Graffiti Fraud

Cover the hood of your victim's car with plastic wrap, tucking the edges under the hood so it's invisible. Then paint graffiti on the plastic with acrylic paints. Hide nearby so you can see your victim's face when they see the "damage."

Submitted by Angelia

Just One More>> NEW <<

Go on the internet and find a funny picture of something (I used a cartoon rabbit) and print out 24 of them. Hide the pictures all around the room in a mixture of easy and difficult places. Tape one that has a note saying "I bet you can't find all 25 of the pictures!" Your victim will look for the 25th rabbit for a long time before you tell them that there were only 24!

Submitted by Dara

Grand Opening

Find a house key (or car key) that looks identical to the victim's key and switch them when they aren't looking. Laugh when they try desperately to unlock the door.

Submitted by Courtney Collard

Colorful Cascade

Use the glass "shade" from a tea candle lamp--the kind that is shaped like a bowl with a hole in the bottom. Place it on the victim's desk and fill it with small jelly beans. You can put a floral card holder in it with a nice note attached. When they lift the bowl, the jelly beans will pour out through the hole in the bottom and go all over the place.

Trying for Toast>> NEW <<

Get up early to unplug the toaster. If the cord is normally visible find a cord that looks similar, plug it in and hide the rest behind the toaster. Besides not working, most toasters won't even lock the toast down when you push the pedal. Just make sure you're there to watch your victim become frustrated as his toast keeps popping back up!


With the victim looking on, pretend you see a fly in the room. Grab a fly swatter and chase it around for awhile. Then make a big swat, reach down and grab the "fly" (actually a raisin you've concealed in your hand), and gobble it down.

Don't Eat It

Take a brownie and form it to look like dog poo. Place it on the grass of the victim's yard. As you and victim pass by, point it out to the victim, bend over and examine it. Then grab it and put it into your mouth. The victim will get a momentary shock until they figure out they've been tricked.

Big Brown Surprise

Smear chocolate pudding on the toilet seat and wait for your victim's horrified reaction!