Out is the New In>> NEW <<

Turn your victim's backpack inside out. Wait until they're not around, then take everything out of their bag, turn it inside out and replace the items. Then wait for their surprised reaction!

Submitted by RobbieTU

Just in Time

An appliance timer is great fun for anyone who wants to pull a great April Fool's Day joke. Try combining one with several items (radio, TV, bright light, etc.) using a power strip. Of course you want to set it up to go off in the middle of the night!

Submitted by 2byDiamond

Remote Location

Stand outside a window while the victim is watching television, and use a universal remote control to change channels, adjust the volume, etc.

Not What I Expected>> NEW <<

Go to the video store with the victim and have them pick out some movies they want to watch. Then when you get home, have them go get some snacks or something and while they're distracted, switch the dvd's inside the cases with some really lousy movies you know they'll hate. Then laugh when they think that the video store gave them the "wrong" movies!

Submitted by Sierra

Blast 'Em

Set the victim's TV to an obnoxious channel like Cartoon Network or the heavy metal channel, and turn the volume up to max volume. Now turn off the TV set. When your victim comes back and turns on the TV they will be surprised by a blast of loud programming!


For this prank, there needs to be a bathroom within hearing distance of your victim. Hide a large container of water inside the bathroom. Wait for a quiet moment when the victim is nearby, and then excuse yourself. Then very slowly pour the water into the toilet--make sure it takes as long as possible. The victim will be amazed!

Force Field

Block off a door with plastic wrap. When the victim opens the door and tries to walk through, they will bounce right off.

Can't Switch It>> NEW <<

Use clear tape underneath your victim's lights switch and then watch your confused victim struggle to turn on the lights.

Submitted by Nicole