Can't See Myself
If the person you are pranking uses a small wall mirror, take a picture facing directly away from the mirror. Crop it on your computer to exactly the same thing you would see in the mirror. Print it out on a large piece of paper, and then tape it to the mirror. Watch as the person franticly tries to see themselves.
Take all the cereal in the house, remove the plastic bags from the boxes, and switch them around. When the victim tries to eat breakfast they will do a double-take when the wrong cereal pours out.
Still Thirsty>> NEW <<
Use a pin to poke tiny holes in a straw, then offer it to your victim. They'll suck and suck but just mainly get air.
Submitted by Firestar
Find a spool of thread that matches your shirt and hide it in your pocket. Leave a length of thread hanging out. Your victim will see it and try to pull it out. It will keep coming and coming!
Minor Accident
Put a note on your victim's car that says "Sorry about the dent. Call me so we can swap insurance information." Include a fake name and phone number. Be sure to hide nearby so you can watch them search in vain for the "dent."
Submitted by ShadyLady412
Egg Trickery>> NEW <<
Make your victim a fake fried egg by putting a spoon of yogurt on a plate with half an apricot upside down on top.
Test Their Patience
For a college or high school student: right before class, as you are walking into the classroom, ask one of your classmates if they are "ready for the test today?" This will work best if you have another friend who confirms that there is indeed a test that day.
Animal Cruelty
Attach an old leash to the back bumper of the victim's car. Attach a collar to the leash so it drags on the ground. If you want you can put the collar around a stuffed animal. Hopefully, you can ride along and watch the reaction of the other drivers on the road!