Not Sweet>> NEW <<

Take a Pixie stick, carefully tear off the end, empty and fill with salt. Reseal the top with a tiny bit of glue then offer the "delicious treat" to your victim.

Can't Hear You

Change your phone message on April Fool's Day: record your voice saying "Hello. (pause) Hello? (another pause) Is anyone there!?? Then, after another pause, finish it up with "APRIL FOOLS!

Submitted by Elizabeth


Take a roll of toilet paper and unroll it part way. Then, write things such a "Help!" "Let me outta here!" "I'm trapped!" etc.

Submitted by Elizabeth

Penny for your Pranks

This prank works on someone who is alone in a room with a door that opens inward (perfect for someone sleeping in their bedroom). Pennies wedged all along the edges of the door (between the door and the jamb), will prevent the door from opening, causing the person to be temporarily trapped.

Submitted by Bollinger43

Keep Hitting>> NEW <<

Show your victim the following trick: take a penny and push it on your forehead so it sticks there. Then hit yourself in the back of the head until it falls off. Then push a penny onto the other person's forehead--but pull it back off without them seeing--they will feel like it's still there. Then they will keep hitting their head for no reason!

Bowl O' Bubbles

Pour a capful of dishwashing liquid into the toilet. When your victim flushes they will be surprised with a whole bunch of bubbles.

Ice Krispies

The night before April Fool's Day, pour some cereal and milk into a bowl. Put the bowl into the freezer. The next morning take it out and pour a small amount of milk and few flakes of cereal on top. Then serve it to your victim and watch the struggle.

Submitted by Nicole Weberg

Quacky>> NEW <<

Put a small rubber ducky into the toilet bowl.

Submitted by RaylieB.