Our Newest Pranks

Pinned by a Classic>> NEW <<

Tell your victim that you can pin a glass of water to a wall. Go up to a wall and prepare to pin the cup to the wall but then drop the pin and ask your victim to pick it up. When they bend over dump the water on them. Then get ready to run!

Submitted by A Guy Named Steve

All Wound Up>> NEW <<

Get a long spool of ribbon. Tie one end to your victims doorknob with a little note that says "Follow the Ribbon." Then wind the ribbon all around their room, bed, desk, even all over the house. At the end of the ribbon, attach a note that says "April Fools!"

Can't Flush Your Troubles Away>> NEW <<

Pour some yellow food coloring into the upper tank of your victim's toilet. Then wait for your victim to use the bathroom. They'll flush and flush but won't be able to flush it down!

Submitted by Zenicker

Shoe Psychic>> NEW <<

This prank works best if you are somewhere outside with your victim. Tell them that you've been doing some research and that you can tell his/her fortune by inspecting the bottom of their shoe. Have them remove one shoe and give it to you. Examine it carefully, then announce: "Just as I suspected! You'll be going on a trip!!" Pause for a moment so they can consider that prediction, then take their shoe and throw it as far as you can!

Submitted by Genesis q

Mug Shot>> NEW <<

Find a picture of the bottom part of a face (from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the chin). You can use a woman's smile, or a mouth with missing teeth (be creative). Print this picture so it is the size of the bottom of your victim's coffee mug, then attach it with tape or glue. When your victim tilts the mug up to drink, he/she will have a ridiculous smile on their face for everyone to see...everyone except themselves of course!

Submitted by skidlet