Our Newest Pranks
Pucker Pop>> NEW <<
Does your victim enjoy Moutain Dew or yellow Gatorade? Then this is the perfect prank for them. Pour some pickle juice in a glass and tell them you've got a delicious beverage for them to enjoy!
While You Were Sleeping>> NEW <<
Know someone who is a sound sleeper? Then you can draw a mustache on their face while they sleep! Just use an eyebrow pencil or other make-up. No markers! They're too hard to remove!!
Submitted by Dr. Awesome
Crash Boom Bang>> NEW <<
Attach some empty soda cans to a string and tie the string to the back bumper of their car. Tuck the cans underneath the car so they aren't visible. When they drive off the cans will make a huge racket.
Classic Kindergarden Prank>> NEW <<
Tell your victim that their shoelace is untied. When they look down, laugh and say "Made ya look!".
Submitted by Linnea
Not So Fast>> NEW <<
Find a soft piece of cloth such as the belt from a robe. When your victim is sleeping, tie their wrist to the bedpost. Then wake them up and say something to make them get up quickly, like "Your car is getting towed!"
Chip Changed>> NEW <<
Take a small bag of chips, and carefully open it by pulling apart the top, then remove the chips. Replace them with crackers, some other type of chip, or fake cardboard "chips." Then glue the top back together and offer them to your victim.
Submitted by lil' sis
Why Am I Wet?>> NEW <<
Find a spray bottle that sprays out a nice fine mist. Fill it with water and wait for your victim to get up to go out of the room for a minute. Then lightly mist their cloth chair seat and wait for the fun to begin!
Unusual Weather>> NEW <<
You'll need a partner to pull this prank. Have your partner go outside and use a hose to spray water just outside a window that your victim is near. Now you can trick them into thinking it's raining. This works best if they're planning a trip to the park or beach!